Friday, July 8, 2011

Character Models, Hobo Gadget Band, Sniffles

In my opinion, the character models of the Hobo Gadget Band are strikingly similar to the characters that Hardaway illustrated in the book titled "Bommer Jones" published in 1921.
These character models are also the same dimensions as the Hardaway rabbit, "Speedy".

The character model of Sniffles seems to be drawn on the same poster board as Hardaway's rabbit.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jerry Beck- of Cartoon Research- won't discuss the origins of Bugs?

I still don't understand the attitude of Jerry Beck. He initially told me he'd be willing to study the matter of the Hardaway drawing, at a cost of 100 per day. He asked me, "what are your plans for the drawing?". He said, among other things, "nice drawing, the initials only heighten the mystery". Then, after a couple months of him trying to "make time" he took a totally different attitude. I then started a thread on the animation history forum at The Animation Show website which asked the question of why Hardaway's name appeared in the index of Beck's book but neither Bugs Hardaway nor his work appeared anywhere in the book.  Ultimately, Jerry Beck deleted the thread.
 I asked why the subject couldn't be discussed.
Jerry Beck responded;

"I'll let David Gerstien explain it to you in this thread at GAC:
There was some heavy last minute editing which caused that omission.
I will be deleting this thread in a few hours"

One of the moderators of the GAC forum, Tom Stathes, responded Nov 14 of 2007;

Perhaps the topic you're bringing up has some legal issues attached to it that prevent public discussion.

Huh? What legal issues could prevent discussion of cartoonists and their cartoons?
I still can't understand why a 60 year old subject would require "heavy last minute editing".
I still can't understand what "legal issues" David Gerstein  and Tom Stathes are talking about.
I still can't understand those who have offered specific, informed, enthusiastic, opinions of the drawing initially, only to offer a contradictory opinion months later.
I still can't understand why several of Hardaway's contemporaries would give him credit for the design of the character and its personality, but 70 years later some self described cartoon historians and secretive cartoon club members would attempt to eliminate his input.
I still can't understand why a cartoon history enthusiast with the website called "Cartoon Research" would prevent discussion of the gordian knot of animation history.

I do understand dishonesty.